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Privacy Made Easy

Protect all your browsing with ease.
Speed, privacy and security for you and your family.

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Protect All your devices, everywhere!

On the move or at home, InvizBox provides total security.

Super Easy Setup

Simply connect your phone, laptop or other device to any of our products over WiFi and that's it!

Connect it into your Internet router / modem

Connect any device to InvizBox WiFi

Browse online with privacy and security

What is the InvizBox 2?

Preconfigured for a user experience that has you protected in seconds. Plug it in. Connect over WiFi. You're done!



Secure and Open Source

Our team has over 50 years combined experience in cyber security and privacy protection.

Open Source

Allows other security experts to examine our code, ensuring the best security

No Log VPN

We have partnered with Windscribe to bring you privacy, speed and incredible streaming support

No leaks

If the VPN goes down for any reason, InvizBox automatically blocks all your outbound traffic for your security

Auto Updates

Secure, regular and automatic updates flashed automatically to your VPN router - we have already pushed over 50 updates!

Patented Protection

Our award winning devices are packed full of features

Multiple VPN Hotspots

Want your Smart TV connected to the UK but your phone connected to the US? No problem!

Easy to use

InvizBox 2 comes preconfigured. Just plug it into your router and you're ready!

Block Ads

Block ad provider domains for all of your devices with nothing to install

Stream geo-blocked content

View blocked content from anywhere in the world.

Extend your home WiFi

InvizBox Go in extender mode will significantly boost your WiFi signal

Dual Band WiFi

Dual band WiFi - 2.4G and 5G WiFi

Access websites and media without restrictions

Our VPN router allows you appear to be somewhere else, and ‘hey presto’, Goodbye Geoblocking errors…. Hello TV & Films ..

US Netflix and BBC iPlayer supported!

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InvizBox is preconfigured with a known list of ad providers and can optionally block those domains for all your devices, removing unwanted ads and blocking malicious domains from serving you malicious adverts known as "malvertising".

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VPN for every device

Get every device in your home connected to VPN without installing any software. Your smart TV or other device doesn't support VPN software? No problem! Just connect it by WiFi to your InvizBox and it's secure.

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Connect home securely from anywhere in the world

Couple an InvizBox Go with an InvizBox 2 and you can securely connect home from anywhere in the world. This is the only sure fire way to guarantee streaming of the content from home you’ve become accustomed to and paid for.

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Parental Controls

Time for homework? Want a family dinner without phones? You can enable or disable internet access for any device that's connected to the InvizBox Go.

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"These routers encrypt everything and anything you do online"