Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement – InvizBox Privacy Statement
Internet privacy is the reason InvizBox exists. That is why we treat all the personal information and private data of our customers with the utmost care and always in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.
If you’ve made it to our site you obviously take privacy seriously and protecting yourself and your online activity are vitally important to you. The best way to protect yourself is to start using one our InvizBox products which you can purchase here. We highly recommend it!
If you have any questions on our privacy policy or require any further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
To further explain our policy we have outlined a few points below for legal clarification and to make you, our user, completely clear about what your rights and expectations are when visiting our site. This privacy policy is applicable to our websites;, and any of our products and services owned and controlled by InvizBox Ltd.
1. Information collected
When you visit our website you are not required to enter any personal information about yourself, only at purchase will you be required to do so, and we collect navigational information.
When purchasing an InvizBox device, you will be required to fill in certain fields on our website so that your payment may be processed and your InvizBox delivered – basic stuff like your name and address. The same goes for payment. To receive your device you must provide certain payment and shipping information, the standard kind associated with any online purchase. This information will never be used for anything other than the intended purchase process or to contact you directly regarding your purchase or InvizBox related offers.
InvizBox does use website analytics (i.e. Google analytics), to ensure the site is up and running and performing for you, our users. Because we pay Google for ads this also helps us verify our spend. No personally identifiable information is ever collected through this site tracking and is actually against Google’s Analytics usage policy. See here, we’re not making this up. For visitors who originate from Facebook, we also use a JavaScript tracking code, but this only applies to visitors who originate only from Facebook.
2. Personal information access
Without your consent, pretty much nobody! But let’s break it down just to be clear…
InvizBox will process certain information about you, such as the aforementioned ordering and payment information. This is for our use only, and only in compliance with this privacy policy. It will never be sold or given to third parties without you explicitly saying we should do so. We try to minimise the use of 3rd parties – e.g. we host our own mailing list tool to avoid giving out your email address unnecessarily.
We will only share your personal details with third parties when necessary for us to process payments and for delivery of products & services you have purchased from us. Any third party service providers used for this processing are not permitted to store, retain or use information you provide except for the sole purpose of the purchase processing on your behalf.
We may also use your private information to improve your browsing experience, send relevant content or information, promote our services and meet legal requirements.
We also want to assure you that the personal & navigational information and site tracking we do is to facilitate the e-commerce functionality and to report on and optimize our website performance.
In the event we/assets are acquired either by merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or otherwise information we collected would be obtained. In these type of event you will be notified of any change of ownership, uses and choices you have regarding your personal information.
3. Securing and storing of your data
InvizBox will take all reasonable precautions and then some to ensure your personal details are not compromised, lost, misused or altered while under our watch. We use secure servers and encryption for all data transfers internally and with any third party providers. This includes any cross border transfers that might happen during the course of our interactions with you due to your location in relation to the locations of InvizBox website/servers. By usage you will be agreeing to this cross border exchange between yourself, InvizBox & third party providers used. We will constantly improve our processes to do all we can to prevent any breaches of your data and minimize any exposure of data through countries with less than adequate data protection.
We only post links to related websites that are related to our services but we are not responsible for data collected by any websites who are linked from our website, so please proceed with caution when navigating away from as they are not governed by this privacy policy.
Our website also has some social media links for example FaceBook & Twitter. These sites are controlled by third parties are not governed by this privacy policy.
Personal Information Retention – we retain information you provide to us while we have ongoing legitimate business need to do so. This is to provide you with transactional information, to meet our legal obligations, resolve disputes, provide support and enforce our agreements. After such time, we will securely delete the information or anonymise / pseudonymise it. We will also delete this information at an earlier date if you so request it by contacting us at
4. Your rights
You have the right to request an overview of what data InvizBox have collected from you. You can request this at any time, by e-mailing us at
If you find any of your personal information to be inaccurate or you wish to remove or update the information we have on you, you can request this by emailing We will reply to your request in a reasonable time frame. If there is any reason why your request can’t be completed we will provide as detailed explanation as possible.
5. Transfer of your data outside the EU
Some of our servers are located outside the EU (e.g. our web server is on Amazon servers in the United States). In this case your data may be stored and / or transferred outside the EU. We also use third parties for some data processing (e.g. payment processing, support tools) and they may also transfer your data outside the EU.
6. Contact
InvizBox is registered in the Republic of Ireland and you can reach us at
7. Updates
As this is an ever-changing world in terms of privacy and legal protections this policy is subject to change and you can be updated on all the latest changes by coming back to keep up with any and all changes made.